Tuesday, 21 January 2014

M2 - Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing

What is outsourcing?:

Outsourcing is where a company pays another company to help or do work for them. In many cases, the outsourced work could be done by the company itself, but there are often financial benefits in outsourcing the work. The most common jobs for outsourcing are, call centres and E-mail services. These types of jobs are normally handled by companies that specialise in those jobs.

Advantages of outsourcing:

Well first of all, outsourcing work to another country will save the company a considerable amount of money. The reason for this is that in the UK, the minimum wage is £6.31. In other countries such as India, it is much lower; therefore the company can then pay the workers less.
Also, outsourcing works will also give skilled people in other countries jobs that may be scarce where they are.
Another advantage for outsourcing work overseas is that things like health care and benefits don't apply because they are outside the UK, which means more money in the company’s pockets.
If the company is looking to expand its business, outsourcing is a cheap way to start in other countries.

Outsourcing is not only overseas; you can outsource work within the country you are working in. You are paying other companies to work for you. The reasons for this would be that it's either cheaper, or the company you are outsourcing to, are professional at the work they do, or they are perfect for the job.

Outsourcing work also gives the company time to do other work that is of a higher priority, reducing the stress on the company and the allowing them to meet the deadline for a project or work.

Disadvantages of outsourcing:

When work is outsourced to other countries it can cause many problems, for example, many call centres are often Indian, which can cause a language barrier between both the customer and the person working for the call centre. Also, in a different country, they may have different terminology, so if you're trying to fix a fault on your PC, but the keyboard layout is different, you will find it hard to keep up with what they're saying.
Another problem with outsourcing overseas is the time zone constraints, for example, if you give work to say a company in the USA, from the UK, there is a 9 or so hour difference, so the communication between the two companies will be small.

Due to companies outsourcing, this is causing redundancies within the company because they are getting people who will work for less to do the job. Although it's good that it saves the company money its also bad because it means that more and more people are becoming unemployed and claiming benefits.

If a company outsources work to another company, there can also be a delay. I there company who the work has been outsourced to has higher prioritised work of their own, then it may take them longer to get the work done for the company. This means the set deadline to meet may not be met resulting in many things, including: wasted time (people will have nothing to do until they have received the work from the outsourced company), money could be lost (if they're selling an item, they may lose out on buyers), and customer dissatisfaction (they will lose out on potential customer, therefore relationships with the customers will be ruined because the company told them when it would be ready, but it has been delayed by a few weeks or even months.

M1 - Importance of Keeping Fault Logs

M1 expands on P1 and requires the learner to show they understand the reasons for keeping accurate records of faults and their solutions.

Having a fault log is incredibly important for users as it shows how the fault occurred, where it occurred, and what is it. You can access the details of the fault by clicking on the error icon next to it. If you wish to solve the problem yourself, you can search on Google and you may find the answer, otherwise you can acquire an IT technician to help you solve this.
If you have a fault, you can refer back to your fault log to see if it has happened before. If your PC does have a fault or an error, you can simply look back to your fault log and quickly find out how to solve the problem efficiently. Otherwise you'll be trying to think back to how you solved it the previous time, wasting your time, and even then, you may not remember how to solve it.   

In the fault log there are three types of error icon that can appear:

Yellow sign - The yellow sign is a warning. Anything that the computer thinks may becoming prone to errors, it will have a yellow warning sign next to it, these don't cause any harm to your PC but it lets you know that it's there.

Red sign - The Red sign means that there is an error. If you click on it, it will show you what is wrong with the program, software or whatever it may be. This allows you to take the necessary actions in order to solve the problem.

Information sign - The information sign is nothing to worry about. This means that there is nothing wrong with the system and everything is running smoothly.
 Without a fault log, you would have no idea if there were any fault on your PC and you would probably end up spending plenty of money trying to fix your computer

Being accurate when inserting data into your fault log is incredibly important because it allows you to know exactly what the fault is the next time it occurs and how you can deal with is efficiently and quickly. If the fault is recorded down but there is hardly any detail, it may become confusing if you are trying to solve the next time, or if someone else reads your log, it should be fairly to understand.

Example of a fault log:

IT Technicians Name:                John

Time & Date:
                                11:08 - 15/01/2014

Time take to fix:
                          5 mins

Description of fault:
                 Keyboard not working

Actions taken to fix: 
                Checked the peripheral ports to see if the cable was connected. If not                                                                           connect the cable. if still doesn't work, buy a new keyboard.

Problem Solved: